All Articles - Page 84

Wine Reduces Risk of Sunburns

A recent study from the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council has conclu...

Most Expensive Bottle of White Wine Ever Sold

Last month, a new world record was set for the most expensive bottle of white wine ever sold. The 18...

Drink Philly on CBS Talk Philly: Lemonade Moonshine Margaritas

Drink Philly is honored to be on Talk Philly on CBS Philly, at 12pm! We'll be showing you some previ...

Drink Philly Interview with Marilyn Russell on Ben FM

Drink Philly President interviewed with Marilyn Russell on Ben FM. Take a listen to the interview....

Craft Beer in Cans: Why Brewers Are Switching

A little while ago, Sixpoint announced that they would start running some of their brews in can-form...

NYC Experiences a Rice Wine Bootleg Boom

New York City is experiencing a boom of bootlegged rice wine, a staple of Fujianese dining. Just as ...

Homebrewers Association, Top 50 Beers

The Homebrewers Association of America has recently compiled a list of the top 50 craft beers, after...

Word of the Week: Hops

Each week, we pick a basic term in the drinking industry and talk a little more about it. This week,...

Booze Bartering: A Post-Apocalyptic Guide

When our money doesn't work anymore, what do we use to buy and trade? Our booze, of course! Here's a...

Sunoco Stations Fill Your Growlers

Sunoco Stations in Western New York have recently opened up the "Craft Beer Exchange," allowing patr...

Shark Week 2011 Drinking Game

Shark week starts July 31st, and what better way to celebrate than with the second annual Shark Week...

GIRLS LIKE PINK BOYS LIKE BLUE: Molson Makes a Beer for Women

Molson Coors has announced plans to launch a new beer in the U.K. that will be aimed at females in a...

Williams Bros. Kelpie Seaweed Ale

Hunting down Scotland's Kelpie Seaweed Ale in Philly can be as challenging as marking the always-elu...

Drink Philly in the Wharton Journal

The Wharton Journal has a beer with the President of Drink Philly....

The Perfect Excuse

Each year, beer mega corporations such as MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch InBev spend hundreds of mil...

Uses for Wine... in Space

Recent studies at the University of Strasbourg in France revealed that a compound found in red wine ...

Homework: How to Taste: A Guide to Enjoying Wine

We're all about starting with the basics to learn how to fully appreciate what we consume. After all...

Haandbryggeriet Dobbel Dram

Haandbryggeriet is a small brewery from Norway run by four friends who, after traveling around Europ...

AB InBev Trademarks 215, Threatening Craft and Local Beer Market

Following the success of the Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale, AB InBev has recently filed to tradem...

Saison d'erpe Mere Special Eindejaar

Kleinbrouwerij De Glazen Toren is a small upstart brewery from the town of d'erp-Mere, Belgium start...

U.S. Fast Food Restaurants to Sell Beer

In an attempt at making their food more palatable (or boost sales to compete with casual dining), ce...

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