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Custom Drinks with Google's New Recipe Search

Google's new recipe search tools allow you to search for a cocktail, then refine the ingredients, pr...

Custom Drinks with Google's New Recipe Search

Google's new recipe search tools allow you to search for a cocktail, then refine the ingredients, pr...

Drink Philly Gets A New Editor

We received a ton of resumes, but I'm very proud to announce that we have chosen a new Editor for Dr...

Allagash White Review

It's simply the most classic American example of its style. Allagash White is the perfect beer for a...

Troegs Brewing Flying Mouflan

Troegs, out of Harrisburg, PA, is one of the great breweries in our region producing favorites such ...

Breweries in the Path of the Storm

Just how many breweries are in the path of Irene? Take a look at our map of several major breweries ...

EFE Raki

EFE Raki is made with grapes and anise seed, lending itself a flavor likened to absinthe. It's tripl...

So Long, and Thanks for All the Beer...

Our editor Justin gives his final farewell to the city that heightened his love of craft beer and fi...

Sam Adams Black Lager

Although Philadelphia is probably used to smaller craft breweries, Sam Adams is one of the forefathe...

Drink Philly Takes Home Best New Blog Award at Philly Geek Awards

In one of the coolest events we have ever partaken in, Drink Philly took home the award for Best New...

New Holland Brewing: Dragon's Milk

Barrel aged beers come in numerous shapes, sizes and tastes. Some are aged in whiskey or bourbon bar...

Drink Philly Goes to the Philadelphia Geek Awards Tonight

Drink Philly will be attending the Philly Geek Awards tonight, as we are nominated for Best New Blog...

Beer With Awesome Labeling

With a bottle that is minimal, sleek, and gorgeous, this Cleveland brewery knows how to appeal to mo...

Who Wants To Be The Next Drink Philly Editor?

That's right, we're on the hunt for a new editor. Could this be you?...

Brooklyn Brewery: Sorachi Ace

Most often found bottle-conditioned in a 750ml corked bottle, Sorachi Ace is a unique farmhouse styl...

Bar with the Most Taps in the World

While it's not recognized by the Guinness Association, the Yard House in Long Beach California is wi...

Alcoholic Dessert Treats

The weather continues to stay warm so we continue to search for ways to stay cool. Try one of these...

Counting Calories

The website shows you a rather thorough listing of assorted liquors and drink...

Wineries Begin to Think Plastic

As technology in the liquor world advances, some people look to change age-old traditions in favor o...

Wine Ties Beer in US Popularity

For only the second time in two decades, wine has tied beer in popularity amongst drinkers in the Un...

Glass Chills from Room Temp to Zero in Five Minutes

Heineken recently used their financial power to create a special type of double-walled glassware tha...

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