Nothing But Belgians: De Kleine Duival Now Open in Hampden

Within all the excitement of Christmas, the Ravens rallying at the end of football season, and New Year’s, we nearly snoozed on De Kleine Duivel’s opening in the ever-hip ‘hood of Hampden.
The all-Belgian-all-the-time brasserie, which owner and Antwerp ex-pat Paul Kopchinski has been working on getting up and running for nearly four years, takes up residence in the long-shuttered Improved Order of Red Men space at 3602 Hickory Avenue. It made its big debut on December 20.
Belgian Beer Specialist reports that the 20-seat bar sports eight taps, and features more than 40 bottled beers. That inventory will continue to grow, and Kopchinski is reportedly considering adding an additional four taps. What sets De Kleine Duivel, which means little devil, apart from most other beer-obsessed barrooms in and around the Charm City is the fact that all of its brews are imported from Belgium. That means you will find everything from Chimay and Duvel to Boon Oude Geuze and Rodenbach Grand Cru there. What you won’t find are Belgian-style or Belgian-inspired suds like Brewers Art’s Resurrection, Ommegang’s Hennepin, or New Belgium’s Transatlantique Kriek.
As far as edible offerings go, right now De Kleine Duivel has only charcuterie, cheese, and chocolate. In the weeks ahead, Kopchinski plans to roll out an expanded menu of Belgian specialties, like mussel frites, Flemish beef stew, and Coq à la Bière, which is kind of like coq au vin but with the chicken cooked in Belgian beer, naturally.
De Kleine Duivel, 3602 Hickory Ave.,
Photo: Flickr user Smabs Sputzer
Tags: Beer