Charm City Chug Run Will Test Your Drinking and Athletic Prowess

On October 11, get your pint glass and running shoes ready, simultaneously, for the Charm City Chug Run. What could you love more than running a mile with every lap rewarded with a pint of Heavy Seas beer? That’s four 12-ounce glasses of beer, fellow drinkers, to enjoy while you run. It’s enough to make us want to consider running regularly, frankly.
Are you already into running and beer but not into the idea of chugging a brew after each lap? Enroll in the 5k. Get three 16-ounce beers when you choose to drink them - before or after the run. (We’re a little partial to the idea of seeing everyone run after all three beers, but nurse them how you choose!)
If those options aren’t exciting enough, you can combine them and do both runs for $75 total, and indulge in 96 ounces of beer before, after, and during your run. We applaud you already.
At $40 for the mile, $45 for the 5k, and the aforementioned $75 for the double, these runs are a steal. But win the races and you get the coveted title of Chuggernaut. That title is priceless, dear readers. Priceless.
For more details and to sign up visit
Tags: Beer, Prizes, Sports