Where to Watch the 89th Academy Awards in Baltimore
The proximity of the Oscars to Mardi Gras this year seems to have left some spots prioritizing early Mardi Gras getdowns over the annual Hollywood Sunday celebration so far, but we have no doubt there will be more to add to our list as the annual award show approaches. Keep checking in as we add to the list.
BrewHouse No. 16
Pair beer and wine with small plates at the Oscar Nosh Party. Cheese, charcuterie, duck liver pate, and oysters are on the menu for the movie awards, all appropriately paired with possibly a little bubbly in the mix. (831 N Calvert St.; 410-659-4084)
Gunther & Co.
What else could you ask for on Hollywood’s biggest night than to grab Gunther’s popular Rye ‘n Gosling cocktail for $2 off? (3650 Toone St.; 443-869-6874)
Mixers Bar
Grab some belly-lining snacks to soak up the swills from the extended happy hour from 5 PM - 10 PM, including $2 domestics, $3 rail drinks, and $4 wines along with other drink and shot specials for the night while taking in Sunday showtunes and the awards. (6037 Belair Rd.; 410-483-6011)
Photo via Flickr user ** RCB **