Where to Watch the 2017 Kentucky Derby in Baltimore

Spring in Baltimore is prime day drinking time, and there’s no better way to ward off that Cinco de Mayo hangover than with some daytime drink specials for Derby Day.
BoatHouse Canton
Both the Dock Bar and the party tent will be showing the ponies with $8 Sagamore Slushes and Sagamore Juleps as well as a frozen mule. The full Dock Bar menu will be available. (2809 Boston St; 410-773-9795)
The Chasseur
From noon until 8 PM, the Chasseur will be hosting its 4th Annual Kentucky Derby Block Party to support the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. While it is not a ticketed event, the bar is asking for a minimum donation of $10 per person at the door to benefit UCF. Alongside the projection of the Kentucky Derby races on the side of the building will be four local bands, a beer tent from Oliver Brewing Company, a beer truck, and a Mint Julep and bomb bar. (3328 Foster Ave; 410-327-6984)
Starting at 3 PM on the patio, Gunther will host its Kentucky Derby viewing party with specialty cocktails including Mint Juleps, Old Fashioneds, and Kentucky Mules for $8. (3605 Toone St; 443-869-6874)
Showing the race on Baltimore's biggest projector screen at the Big Race Plaza Party, Horseshoe is offering specials including Mint Juleps and Miller Light or Coors Light for $3, Blue Moon or Corona for $4, Chardonnay or Merlot for $5, and rail cocktails with vodka, gin, or rum for $6. Line your belly before those drinks with burgers for $9 or hotdogs for $7. (1525 Russell St; 844-777-7463)
Travel out of the city to a picturesque area where horses might actually be seen on the drive for a Derby party featuring a best hat contest, a Woodford Reserve tasting table (and a custom engraving with a purchase of a bottle of Woodford Reserve), a complimentary glass of champagne at arrival, and a complimentary Mint Julep at post time. Nosh on passed hors d’oeuvres or snacks at stationary food tables - we’re particularly excited about the desserts like bourbon milkshakes. Tickets are $50 and can be reserved by calling 410-771-8155. (15819 Old York Rd, Monkton Maryland; 410-771-8155)
Photo via Flickr user Bill Brine