Drink Philly Gets An Office

A Message from the President of Drink Philly
Drink Philly Gets An Office

It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it, but due to a rapid expansion of readers we are proud to announce that Drink Philly finally has an actual office.  We are more than excited to share this news with you and we invite you to stop in to check out the new place as it develops.

Here’s what this means:
The thing we are most excited about is that our awesome new office will double as an art gallery.  We are right in the middle of the “First Friday” section of Old City on 3rd and Chestnut, which means we will be opening our doors to local artists and feature great local craft brews, wines, and cocktails, complete with live music  We think this will not only help out local artists and brewers, but also be a heck of a fun time.
More content more often.  We are working around the clock to make quality articles and videos to help you decide where to drink.  Our database of bars and restaurants are going to grow tremendously over the next few weeks and you know what that means… even MORE drink specials.
Room for more interns.  We are ALWAYS looking for bright young students to help us take our organization to the next level.  Anyone interested in working in our fun and creative environment, email hireme@philly.thedrinknation.com
From all of us at Drink Philly, thanks to everyone that helped bring us to this exciting moment.  Stay tuned for our first “Drink Philly First Friday Drink & Art Event” and we hope that you will be able to join us in many more to come.
Adam Schmidt
Drink Philly
President & Founder
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