Breckenridge Brewery Educates with Humor

Breckridge Brewery has apparently hired a team of marketing geniuses.
For years, Big Beer has used television and video advertising to their advantage, relying more on the humor than the quality of the beer itself to drive the product. At long last, a craft brewer has begun a marketing campaign that encourages viewers to understand their Truth in Beervertising.
The commercials cover everything from the ridiculous gimmicks of adding crude thermometers to their bottles, to flaunting the number of hops used and bottle shapes. "Cold isn't a flavor" is a message that resonates heavily.
Craft brewers have voiced their issues with Big Beer for years, but this is a wonderful example of reaching a large audience through both humor and education. Short, sweet, and to the point.
One can only hope that once people catch on that swirly bottles don't do a whole lot, the big guys will be forced to do the unthinkable - make a beer that's sole gimmick is that it actually tastes good.
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