Drinker's Choice 2012 Winner, Best Sports Bar: Mother's Grille

A great sports bar will be more than just a place to watch the game, and that’s certainly true of Mother’s Federal Hill Grille, our 2012 Drinker’s Choice winner in the category. Purple patio gatherings are parties to look forward to in and of themselves, and when Ravens revelry isn’t on the schedule, plenty of other games draw friendly crowd. And then there’s the food, which takes pub fare to the next level, insuring quality while still satisfying our inner grease demon.
We caught up with Kelly Rather, who with her husband Dave, owns the neighborhood hang, to ask her a bit about Mother’s and find out where else she’d go for a drink.
– Can you name two (or more) specific things that make Mother's special/deserving of the sports bar win?
I think what makes us special and makes us stand apart is that we take our food very seriously. Also, Purple Patio!. And of course our location, being so close to the stadiums and in the heart of Federal Hill.
– Tell us briefly (one sentence) why you were inspired to open Mother's Federal Hill Grille?
We were originally inspired to open Mother’s because my husband Dave had a big following with his Social and Travel Club so it seemed like a natural fit to have a home base for that. Then Mother's itself took over; we no longer even have the Social and Travel Club. Also, my brother-in-law is a chef, so it made for a perfect pairing. Each of us had extensive restaurant experience, and none of us are nine-to-five type people.
– If you had to choose a winner in this category that is not your own establishment(s), what would it be?
If I were to pick a sports bar in the area, it would be Pickles. I find they’re very similar to us, in the sense that their staff is always very friendly and pre- or post- O's game you can have a drink outside on a nice day.