Drink Philly Gets A New Editor
In early August, we announced that we were on the hunt for a new editor for Drink Philly. We received a TON of resumes and letters of many qualified (and not so qualified) individuals that would jump at the opportunity of writing for Drink Philly. We even received one slam-poetry audio recording all about how the author disliked SEPTA, which was incredibly odd and yet entertaining.
We are extremely flattered to have so many people eager to join the Drink Philly team, and our deepest thanks go out to everyone who applied for the position. But many resumes and interviews later, I’m very proud to announce that we have chosen a new Editor for Drink Philly.
Meet Danya Henninger.
Danya is no stranger to Drink Philly as she was one of the first freelance writers that joined the team, writing about the amazing Philadelphia cocktail scene under the name “TipsyGrrl.” She knows her bars and she knows her booze, which makes her such a perfect fit for the Drink Philly team.
The Details:
Danya Henninger grew up in fast-paced Manhattan, where she began her examination of alcohol at an early age (21st birthday of course). Since moving her digital imaging business to Philadelphia in 2005, she’s taken advantage of the city’s rapidly growing restaurant, craft beer and spirits scene to refine her palate and delve deeper into the world of good food and drink. In 2010, she decided to put her culinary fascination to use, and began writing for us at Drink Philly and the highly acclaimed Zagat Buzz. In January 2011 she became the local editor for Zagat.com’s Philadelphia blog, and now, we are honored to have her as our Editor-in-Chief at Drink Philly.
Please give a warm welcome to Danya, and if you see her out and about, be sure to buy her a drink because we’re absolutely thrilled to have her on board!
Adam Schmidt
President & Founder