B&O American Brasserie Annual Crab Bash, Aug 7

B&O American Brasserie Annual Crab Bash, Aug 7

Meet up at B&O American Brasserie for their third annual Crab Bash. Event attendees and a panel of local celebrity judges will have the opportunity to sample and vote on their favorite crab dish. The list of judges for this year’s event includes WJZ’s Tim Williams, Baltimore Magazine’s Suzanne Loudermilk, Urbanite Magazine’s Tracey Middlekauff, and Mix 106.5’s Reagan Warfield.

For an admission fee of $50 per person, guests are invited to watch the chefs battle it out, sample the chefs’ dishes, and enjoy samples of cocktails created specifically for each dish by a member of the Baltimore Bartenders’ Guild. What will there be to drink? We don't exactly know yet, but what we can tell you is that bartender teams will each get a liquor to work with, as follows:

Gin – Brendan Dorr, Eric Fooy, Russell Ward  (B&O American Brasserie)
Rum – Anna Welker (B&O, Bad Decisions), Daniel Laird (Thames Street Oyster House), Holly Shiver (Wit & Wisdom)
Whiskey – Connor Rasmussen (Woodberry Kitchen), Trevo Ifill (Four Seasons), Megan Deschaine (Rye)
Tequila – Lane Harlan (Jack's Bistro), Liz Malestien (Jack's Bistro), Jim Saufley (Fredericks on Fleet)

In addition to the variety of creative sips sure to come from those matchups, admission includes a raffle ticket with the chance to win a variety of prizes, including tickets to the National Aquarium, a gift certificate to B&O American Brasserie and a one-night stay at a Kimpton Hotel. Tickets can be purchased here.

Event Date: 08/07
Event Time: 6-9 PM
Location: B&O American Brasserie
Price: $50
Website: www.facebook.com/BandOAmericanBrasserie#!/events/140078436129183/

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