Max's Taphouse End of the World Party With Flying Dog, December 21

Whether or not the Mayans were right, Friday, December 21 will be an epic evening in Baltimore. That’s because Max’s Taphouse will host what is likely the largest draft takeover in U.S. history, offering 56 different kegs from Frederick’s Flying Dog Brewery.
The event starts at 5 PM, and there’s no cover charge or special ticket you need to get in. Special pricing will be offered on all the Flying Dog beers, which will pour from regular taps as well as be in cask and on nitro.
Look for favorites like Snake Dog, Disobedience and Raging Bitch, plus a ton of other great brews. Brewers will be on hand to answer questions, and the owner of Flying Dog will make an appearance. Growlers will be available for purchase throughout the End of the World party — in case you make it past the pending apocalypse and are still around on Saturday to drink some more great beer.
Event Date: 12/21
Event Time: 5 PM
Location: Max's Taphouse
Price: PAYG