Heavy Seas' Hugh Sisson Offers Prayer for the Ravens

Anyone who has visited Heavy Seas’ Clipper City Brewery is familiar with founder Hugh Sisson’s famous blessing. His incantation kicks off the tour, and celebrates “the union of malt, hops, water and yeast,” while asking for forgiveness from “our spillages” and deliverance from hangovers.
Today, the beer baron has come up with a new poem, in honor of the Ravens. To wit:
Our Flacco, who art in N’awlins,
They will throw Sunday three touchdown passes.
Give us we pray ten first downs from Rice,
And forgive us our tackles, as we forgive the officials who only see helmet to helmet.
And lead us not into the wide right kick,
But deliver us from dropped passes,
For this in the Boldin, the Pitta, and the Smith,
Forever and ever, touch down!
If we all raise a few craft brews and repeat these words, hop gods willing, they will come true. While you're prepping for Sunday, here's where to find gameday specials. Go Ravens!